cleanLIFE™ Privacy Policy
Welcome to the cleanLIFE™ program privacy policy.
The following declarations are referred to the personal data protection and process according with the specific services offered by www.cleanlifeprogram.com
This website is created by using the wix.com site builder. To know more about wix.com data process and collection, please visit their privacy policy page at https://en.wix.com/about/privacy
It is our care to maintain the utmost discretion and to protect the privacy of our customers.
1st info connection
For a first informative advice or consulting it is not necessary to indicate any personal data, including name. That's why you can choose different ways to contact us:
This website chat does not require any information and does not collect personal data. Angie Claire, as the owner and administrator of this website, will see the geographical area wich from you are sending the message. As an example: From Milan, Italy.
In case of telephone contact, you can eventually to hide the number before making the call. Please note that in case of no reply you will not be recalled back.
Connecting by this website contact form, a name, and the email address, are mandatory for sending the message.
The skype connection needs a skype account, eventually by using an alias name, according with skype privacy policy.
You can also send an email, or use WhatsApp and the social platforms you'll find in the contacts area, according with each app and platforms' privacy policy.
Service providing
Successively the required data will be those essential to the provision of the service, and they will be shared with Master Del Pe, through MDP BElife LLC, in order to do the sessions. They will not be in any way entered into promotional communications, posted on mailing lists, or transferred to others, for any reason.
What we need to know in order to providing the service:
Name and Surname
Date of birth
Where you live
Email and/or cellphone contact
skype id, to do the online meetings.
Payments data​
You can pay by Credit Card or Bank transfer.
We will collect the strictly needed data to do it.
The personal informations received for the purpose of providing the service are strictly confidential.
Invoices will not refer to the cleanLIFE™ program and the service will be referred to "sessions" or "consulting".
The client can request the immediate cancellation of the personal data at any time, by writing to angiec@mdpbelife.com
Website Navigation
Navigating on this website you could be linked to www.angieclaire.com, in order to provide more informations, as specified below:
Master Del Pe (bio)
Video-testimonials (on Angie's youtube channel)
Angie Claire (bio)
www.angieclaire.com uses cookies in order to evaluate the website performance, without collecting personal data. angieclaire.com was create with Jimdo sitebuilder platform. You can find their privacy policy at https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/
Chief Privacy Officer
Angie CLAIRE, as the owner of www.cleanlifeprogram.com and as the specialist providing the related services, serves as chief privacy officer of the personal data collection, under the European Law
According with the kind of service Angie CLAIRE could share your data with Master Del Pe, via MDP BElife LLC, in order to collaborate on delivering the services and receiving payments.
For rmore info please write to Angie CLAIRE at angiec@mdpbelife.com
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