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by Master Del Pe

30 years of global research and experimentation to bring to you fast, practical, and natural solutions to break the chains, to heal the side effects, taking back Your Life in 3 - 6 months online program.

Plus you will replace addiction with new practical tools to enjoy your stress-free life, and to maximize your performances naturally.

Distance Healing

Distance Healings

Practical Self-Management Strategies to Create Effective Results by Distance

You will stay in the comfort of your home or office, and we'll be able to work at the distance, via an online connection, spending 1 hour each practical session.


  • Leave addiction and side effects naturally.

  • Increase vitality and will power.

  • Improve decision-making, focus, and sleep quality.

  • Sharpe and clear your mind.

  • Improve your positive emotions, and achieve inner peace daily.


The cleanLIFE™ program can be integrated with any activity and therapy. 

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14 online sessions. Stop to cocaine addiction

I started a path with you to fight and try to eliminate my 10 years of cocaine-addiction. I immediately observed and felt a change, and after several numbers of sessions, I totally removed myself from the substance. Thanking the exercises we did together, I slowly felt a physical and mental relief ... It is a method that I can truly recommend to those who have problems with substance addiction".

- G.B. Entrepreneur. Italy



The Founder. Master Del Pe
The cleanLIFE™ program designed by Master Del Pe to rapidly transform addictions and their side effects, is simple to do, with effective and sustainable results. Applying Self-Management practical strategies, BEwell Science, and Psychoenergetics protocols, we integrate the best of Eastern wisdom with Western scientific and pragmatic approach, as the result of 30 years of research and experimentation in over 100 countries.
Founder & Method


Bio-Mechanical movements, combined with breathing techniques, synthesys martial arts and meditation.
At the end you'll be able to do it by yourself in 5 to 20 minutes.
So you will be able to sustain and to improve your benefits ...
  • Vitality

  • Focus

  • Will-power

  • Decision-making

  • Mental clearness

  • Higher emotions

  • Inner peace

... and to acquire

new qualities

Tools & Benefits



Life Expert & Spiritual Mentor, Angie is especially expert in overcoming difficult situations and Will-Power Development. She was personally trained by Master Del Pe, to be now Certified Representative of BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness (BIHC), Wisdom Institute for Leadership & Global Advancement (WILGA), and World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID), in Europe.

"I cannot tell you that your future will be free from struggles,

but I can give you the tools to overcome even storming seas.

I came back from hell to do it!".

- Angie Claire

  • What kind of addicitions do you heal?
    We have 5 main HEAL Plans for addicitions, vices, and their side-effects: Smoking & Side-Effects: generally 30/1 hour sessions in 3 months. Alcoholism & Side-Effects: generally 37/1 hour sessions in 6 months and 10 days. Drugs, Other Substances & Side-Effects: generally 32/1 hour sessions in 1 months and 15 days. More Heavy Drugs, Other Substances & Side-Effects: generally 47/1 hour sessions, in 6 months and 17 days. Vices & Side-Effects: generally 30/1 hour sessions in 3 month and 10 days.
  • How can cleanLIFEâ„¢ be so fast on overcoming addictions?
    Master Del Pe is one of the Highest World Expert on Energy Medicine. Designer of BEwell Scienceâ„¢ and PsychoEnergeticsâ„¢, that are both part of cleanLIFEâ„¢ Program. By knowing the hiddend causes of addictions, and how to work on them by Energy Sciences Protocols, we are able to do it with streaking results, as testimonials say. The BEwell Scienceâ„¢ brings immediate benefits and effective natural transformations. These breackthrough practical strategies are giving impressive results even with groups work, as you can see looking at the summary of cleanLIFEâ„¢ official research, at this blog article. It's about 55 people, drugs-alcohol addicts, and pushers, in Philippines, doing the 45 days cleanLIFEâ„¢ program. The comprehensive research is available under request Just give a look at some of their video-testimonials.
  • What we do during a session?
    The 1st one need a little bit of talk to better understand the personal situation and how we will procede. Then we will do exercises combined with special breathing techniques, synthesis martial arts and meditation, and done. The following sessions will focus more on the practical aspects and feedbacks. During the program you will be invited to do some daily exercises, and to get in touch for any queries or related need.
  • Is cleanLIFEâ„¢ compatible with psychological and pharmacology therapy?
    Yes, it is. cleanLIFEâ„¢ is a complete program. At he same time it can be integrated with any therapy, facilitating and accelerating the healing process.
  • Is it provided a support service to the family members?
    Yes, it is! We provide sessions to heal and equipe with practical self-management tools, in order to support family members and professionals. You will be able to release stress and fatigue, then to increase vitality, will power and detachment. You will sleep deeply, clearing your mind, developing higher emotions, to achieve inner peace and calm daily.
  • Is it possible to do cleanLIFEâ„¢ through a proxy, eg. a family member?"
    Yes, it is. Even if the best condition could be working directly with the interested person, sometimes it's not possibile, and we achieve the results even doing the program under family members or friends request. Anyway it's better to evaluate each case, through a free consultation via skype, or wapp Direct contacts: mailto: wapp: +39 320 687 2452
  • Can my identity be protected?
    Absolutely yes! It is our care to reserve the utmost discretion to our customers. the first informative FREE consultation does not need any data. Afterwards we will only collect the data strictly necessary to provide the service. We will share the data with Master Del Pe, by MDP BElife LLC, in order to collaborate on cleanLIFE program. The informations received for the purpose of providing the service, are strictly confidential. The receipt will not list the program, and it will generally refer to "sessions" or "consultations". The data will not be used for promotional items, or mailing lists, and they will not be passed on to third parties. After the end of the clean LIFEâ„¢ Program, in agreement with the client, we conserve the data necessary to connect periodically in order to monitor the situation. and giving some advice, generally for 12 months. The customer may request deletion of personal data at any times by writing to Angie Claire at For more details, please refer to the privacy policy page

Contact me

+39 320 687 2452


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